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Message of the Day (MOTD) Archives


Version 4.3 Beta Update...

12/24/03 10:50PM EST


We have found that, even though 4.3 beta has a much smaller memory usage than 4.22,  people using more than 3-4 servers are seeing poor performance.  If you run 5+ active servers, you are better off not trying the 4.3 beta yet.  Please remember, this is beta software and we will find more problems with it.  A 4.3 beta 2 is in the works with more memory saving benefits.  It should be available by the end of the week.


Happy Holidays from the NewsBin Crew.

Version 4.3 Beta Now Available!

12/19/03 12:10AM EST


We finally have the long awaited version 4.3 Beta available for registered users to try.


It has a totally new spool format for stored headers. You will need to re-download all headers from all groups when you start using this version. The upside? 1/3 less filling. No, really, takes at least 30% less RAM than before. You can now load multi-million header groups with 512MB RAM.

Please thoroughly read the Release Notes before you install this version. Additional details are in the relnotes.txt file included in the zip file. Be sure to check the "Known Issues" section before reporting any bugs. Feel free to stop by the NewsBin IRC Channel, post in the forum, or send mail to if you find bugs not already discussed in the release notes, or if you have other questions.

Download link is here. Be sure to dig up your registration key before you go to download it.

Version 4.3 Update + News Service Info

12/17/03 9:30PM EST

Version 4.3 closed beta testing is taking 2 steps forward, 1 step back.  We thought we were ready for a public beta last night but our alert testers found new problems with how 4.3 handles bad headers so we have more work to do.

Two announcements for news services:

1) Giganews has announced increased capacity and now advertise 30 days of retention!  Some groups will have upwards of 5 million posts.  We are anxious to put version 4.3 out because it will be one of the few newsreaders capable of handling this amount.

2) Usenetserver has reinstated their discount for NewsBin users, $14.45 unlimited.  Enter the word "newsbin" on the Customer Signup screen to receive the discounted price.

Use Usenetserver for your primary server and Giganews for fills, you'll get everything available on usenet.  Visit our Usenet Tools site for more information about these and other news services.

"Post Purged" Error Info

12/14/03 10:15PM EST


If you are receiving "Post Purged" error messages, but in the Status Messages tab there are no 423 or 430 errors indicating the post is not on the server, we have a solution.  We have found that servers are sometimes mis-reporting the file size and NewsBin is reporting the error incorrectly as "Post Purged".  The workaround is to right-click on the post, choose "Properties" and if you see posts marked "deleted/purged", mark them and hit the "Insert" key to add them back in and then try the download again.  Version 4.3 will guard against this automatically.

We ran into a snag with our Version 4.3 testing and had to re-do the way we handle stored headers (spool files).  We are currently testing this and hope to have a beta available to all registered users within a couple of days. 

Version 4.3 Update #2

12/11/03 6:30PM EST


We've been doing a closed beta test for the last 2 days on 4.3B1.  We are down to one or two bugs we still want to fix before making it available to registered users to start the 4.3 beta testing.

While you are waiting, remember to visit our new UsenetTools site for links to helper applications and information on news services. 

Version 4.3 Update

12/9/03 12:20AM EST

We are currently testing an Alpha version of 4.3 internally.  There is a significant decrease in RAM utilization when processing large groups and we're testing changes that will allow us to interoperate with some of the usenet indexing services.  There are a few more known bugs we want to fix before we start beta testing but it is looking good so far.  At this rate, we should have a beta available for registered users by this weekend.

Need a break from usenet?

12/3/03 9:45PM EST


We've had many requests for a program like NewsBin but for the web.  While we have decided to remain focused on Usenet, we have found a utility that sucks down files from websites called WebVacuum.  It is shareware and we are hosting a trial version on  Click on the "General Tools" tab and then on the WebVacuum link for more information.


Quade is getting closer to releasing a beta version of NewsBin 4.3 which has a much reduced memory footprint.  With usenet growing so fast and groups commonly containing 1,000,000+ headers, we needed to revamp NewsBin's memory usage.  We are pushing to make a beta version available to registered users next week.



How NOT to ask for technical support...

12/2/03 11:50PM EST


Here is a real technical support request we received today:


"cannot log on, cannot get on, please help me now"


If you need help, please give us some details to work with.  In this case, we would need to know the server address being used, and if there were any error messages in the status messages tab.  Also, running through our Tutorials first, making sure you are using the correct news server address, and checking our FAQs and forums to see if your issue has been discussed already may be quicker than waiting for us to respond to a technical support question.  Even though we respond within a few hours in most cases, you may be able to find you solution faster using the tools we have online.


Internet outage info...

11/30/03 5:45PM EST


Here is an explanation of what may have impacted everyone's internet access over the last few days...



Outage over.  New Web Site Announcement

11/26/03 9:30AM EST


Looks like our connection to Europe is back up now.  If you are in Europe and were trying to contact us, or you were waiting for a response from us, please contact us again.


We have been working on a new web site full of links to programs and services connected to usenet.  Please visit If you have favorite applications or links that you use daily, or general comments, send email to


US/European Internet Outage...

11/25/03 11:45PM EST


There is an internet outage between the US and Europe right now.  Hmm, I guess this message doesn't do our European users any good, they won't be able to see it.  Well, if things seem slow, or if you are just now seeing this page after a long delay, that's what happened.  Log from European ISP here.


Final Release, Version 4.22 Build 4495 Available...

11/24/03 10:45PM EST


Version 4.22 has just been released to work through corrupted posts on Usenetserver. You only really need this release if you are a Usenetserver customer.  There are a couple of other minor changes since 4.21, details are here.
Download the latest 4.22 Build 4495 release here.


New Beta Available

11/19/03 1:00AM EST


We had reports that corruption on usenetserver was causing NewsBin to crash.  Version 4.22B1 fixes this problem and is now available for download.  Recommended mainly for Usenetserver users.  Read the release notes and registered users can download the beta here.


Wow, two days in a row...

11/18/03 3:15PM EST


Got some news service info to relay to you:


Usenetserver (11/18 11:03EST): Added a new front end server to the news farm that is missing some multimedia groups. It is now backfilling and you will be able to see all the groups on this server by about noon today.  Right now if you log out for about 7 minutes and re log on the load balancer will add you to a different front end and you will be able to get all the groups.


Astraweb (11/17 13:54EST): We will be adding more servers and network equipment to our farm today. There might be some instability as we install and re-arrange the network equipment.


And if you use IRC, stop by our new IRC channel on named #newsbin.


Hey, a real message of the day...

11/17/03 4:30PM EST


We've had a few users "complain" that the MOTD is not very topical.  We have only been announcing releases lately.  Ok, here is something for you to chew on:  


The Register has an article about RoadRunner censoring the binary newsgroups b limiting posts to 10MB each.  Thanks to BWCorvus for pointing it out.  Of course NewsBin can handle a multipart post of several thousand chunks so while inconvenient, you'll still be able to get large files.  


Daily Update: Today Quade fixed a problem handling headers with a leading umlaut and is working on RAM usage reduction for the next release.  Also, an IRC channel on named #newsbin was created today.  Thanks to Smite for setting it up.  More info here.


Final Release, Version 4.21 Build 4460 Available...
11/4/03 4:30PM EST


Version 4.21 has just been released.  We have added several new features and fixed many bugs since version the version 4.2 release. Complete details arehere.

Download the latest 4.21 release here.

For fun, I have reset all the polls, go check them out here.


New Beta Available

10/22/03 11:30PM EST


Version 4.21B5 is now available for download.  There is one more known bug to fix before final release of 4.21 but this version is very stable.  Read the release notes and registered users can download the beta here.  Of course 4.21 will be a free upgrade for registered users.  We have two excellent features in mind for 4.3, which will also be in version 5 whenever we get around to focusing on that.


Back online...

10/16/03 9:00PM EST


Our web server was down for only a few minutes around 12:30pm today but we had problems with our registration system for about 3 hours after that.  If you ordered a key and did not receive one, or received a key that did not work, send mail to and we'll straighten everything out.


Scheduled Downtime...

10/16/03 11:45AM EST


We will be performing maintenance on our web server today between 12:15 and 1:15PM EST.  The only impact to NewsBin will be that the MOTD will not be displayed, and you will be unable to register until the server is back up.  Also, the user Forums will be unavailable during this time.  Downtime is estimated to be only 5 minutes probably closer to 1:00PM.  Hopefully this will be only a minor inconvenience.


New Beta Available...

10/15/03 7:30PM EST


A new beta is available. This one has a critical fix for the post cache getting very large. Now it is pruned to 30 days, this may change before final release, give us feedback. Also, Auto Mode works as it did a couple of versions ago, it honors whatever filters are set for the group, even though the post list may display everything if "Ignore Filters" is checked. More details here.   This optimized beta version is available for download here to registered users only.


Server reboot...

10/14/03 1:45PM EST


We performed quick maintenance on our web server which required a reboot.  This caused many queued email messages to be sent out, that were as much as 9 months old.  These messages were either confirmations of receiving an order or notifications of new posts to our forum.  If you received mail from us today, check the creation date to see if it is current.  If it is a message thanking you for an order, and you did not order today, don't worry, you have not been charged again.


Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.


We have scheduled downtime on Thursday, October 16, 2003 at 12:00pm EST.  The web server and forums will be down for about 5 minutes if everything goes well.


New Beta Available...

10/10/03 11:00AM EST


We have a new beta version, 4.21B3, now available to registered users.  It fixes a number of minor problems with version 4.20 (see  known issues) and is the release candidate for a final 4.21 release.   Click here to download.


What's New?

10/05/03 11:25PM EST


While version 4.2 is fairly stable, there are some known issues that have been resolved in a soon to be released 4.21 version.  It is currently in beta testing, and is available to registered users here.


Still here...

9/19/03 9:40AM EST


We are still here!  The hurricane passed mostly to the west of us, so we didn't get the worst of it.  We are pretty much back to normal here.


The new release, Version 4.2, has been well received, with no new problem reports.  Click here to read the release notes and here to download.


Hurricane bearing down...

9/18/03 8:40PM EST


We may be slow to respond to technical support questions for the next day or so.  Quade (NewsBin Author) lost power and may not get it back for a couple of days.  I don't know how long my power will hold out, the hurricane hasn't actually hit yet.  Our servers are hosted at a secure facility with ample power backup so the forum, downloads, and order screens should be fine.  New key generations may be delayed if we take a power hit though, those are done offsite.


Final Release, Version 4.2 Build 4389 Available...

9/17/03 7:30PM EST


We have just released Version 4.2.  Click here to read the release notes and here to download.


Beta Version 4.2B7 Build 4388 Available...

9/12/03 10:30AM EST


What happened to B6 you ask?  We did a limited release and found a problem in it.  B7 has been well received in our limited release mode (read our forums to get first crack at releases) so we are now announcing its availability.  More details here.


Beta Version 4.2B5 Build 4373 Available...

9/3/03 8:45PM EST


We have decided to discontinue use of a database from some aspects of NewsBin to get the performance back.  We've also fixed several bugs introduced in other beta versions, including the auto start for saved download lists, problem cleaning up chunk files, and a couple of new features.  More details here.


Beta Version 4.2B4 Build 4365 Available...

8/26/03 1 1:10PM EST


We have made version 4.2 beta 4 available for download for registered users.  This version fixes a problem with the new database post cache not being purged. Having a large post cache was severely impacting performance, this should bring it back under control.


New Beta Version Available

8/22/03 1:10PM EST


We have made version 4.2 beta 3 available for registered users.  The way posts are filtered has been reworked to give smoother performance along with some other improvements, including a change that many have asked for.  Let's see if you notice what it is.


Notice to AT&T Users

8/21/03 1:10PM EST


We have heard that AT&T now requires SSL support to access their news servers.  While NewsBin does not support SSL, there are SSL proxies available that will allow you to continue to use NewsBin.  The one that our users have had success with is STunnel. There is discussion about it in our forums.


We are testing version 4.2B3 right now.  If it looks good, there will be a release tomorrow.


New Download Link

8/19/03 3:30 AM EST


The new beta release for registered users, version 4.2B2, is now available for download from a new location.  You will need your NewsBin registration information to download it.  Click here to download.


NOTE: This release will convert the duplicate detection mechanisms (signature.dat and postid.bin) into a database file.  If you hear your hard drive crunching while you are running NewsBin, don't shut NewsBin down until it is done or you will only get a partial conversion.  One person reported that this took 4 hours but he had a huge cache.  In most cases, it should only take a few minutes, and it runs in the background so you shouldn't notice.


What's New...

8/15/03 4:20 PM EST


Well, the news service didn't work out so well.  The reliability wasn't as good as it was during our research process so we have stopped taking subscribers for it.  If you are currently a subscriber, and it is working well enough for you, great.  If you are a subscirber and are unhappy with the service, you can cancel at any time by sending email to


We have a new beta release for registered users, version 4.2B2.  It has a very much improved memory footprint and has many annoying bug fixes that existed in the final 4.12 release.  Registered users can download here.  You must have a forum username and enter your NewsBin registration key in your forum Profile the first time.  If you are not a registered user, the link will take you to the NewsBin Forums.


Need a News Service?

7/21/03 7:50 PM EST


We are now selling subscriptions to a Premium News Service!  We are ignoring the suggested retail price of $19.95/month and are offering the service to registered NewsBin users for $14.95/month and 2GB per day!  We are providing front line technical support for the news service so you will have the same attentiveness you have come to expect from us.  This service is currently available only to Registered Users so if this link to the Registered Users' Page doesn't work for you, either you need to Register NewsBin or follow the instructions in the 7/10 MOTD describing how to identify yourself as a registered user to our website.  Details about the service are here.


It has been a month already?

7/10/03 2:00 PM EST


We have been so busy with the user forums and the website, we have neglected to keep the MOTD up to date.  Here is what we've done in the last month:

  • Opened a Registered Users section to the Forum (Exclusive "Talk to the Author of NewsBin area")

  • Opened a Registered Users area on the Website (Special downloads and news service announcements)

  • Continued development of version 5 (uses a database, less RAM hungry)

If you are a registered user of NewsBin, this is how you gain access to the Registered Users areas:

  1.  Log in to the Forum.  If you don't have a login, click on the "Register" link and follow the instructions.  This is free for all users.

  2. Once you are logged in, click on the "Profile" link and enter your NewsBin Registration Code in the "Registered User Access" area.  NOTE: You have to be running the "SubSilver" theme to see this.  You can change your theme back afterwards. 

  3. Go to the "Forum Index" and you will have access to the new areas.

 Submit a technical support request if you experience any problems.



New Release - Version 4.12 Build 4278

6/09/03 1:30 AM EST


We've just released Version 4.12. It fixes the TCP Window size problem that so many alert users have reported. We hope the "Message 01" problem is now fixed but we have no way to test it as we've never seen it ourselves. Please email us at if you still see a "Message 01" box with 4.12. You can download this release here.  It is free to registered users.


Help Documentation Updated

6/03/03 11:00 PM EST


We have updated our help documentation to be current with the 4.11 version.  The link under the "Help" menu will take you there or you can click here.  If you have specific questions or problems that are not answered in the help docs, go to our forums and do a search on your help topic.  Most likely it has been discussed already.  Of course you can always contact our technical support.


There is a known issue with 4.11, some users are reporting a strange box that pops up saying "Message 01".  A system reboot is the workaround but we plan to release version 4.12 in the next couple of days to fix this problem.


New Release - Version 4.11 Build 4276

5/26/03 11:20 PM EST


Read about the details and download this upgrade here.  Free to registered users.


New Polls

5/21/03 2:00 PM EST


Wehave a new poll and have reset many long standing polls to see if anything haschanged.  Go vote in the polls here.


WhileVersion 5.0 is our priority, there are some minor bug fixes that have surfacedin 4.1 so a version 4.11 is in the works.


NewsBin Website Makeover

5/06/03 10:45 PM EST


Thefirst phase of our new website look was turned on today. Future enhancementsinclude a special area for registered users and possibly real time chatcapabilities with the newsbin staff and other newsbin users.

Stop by and checkit out


Known issues with 4.1

5/02/03 1:45 PM EST


Thereare two known issues with 4.1.  They are not critical but a 4.11 may be onthe way.  The First Time Records setting is being ignored.  When youdownload headers from a newsgroup for the first time, you get all availableheaders.  The second problem is for trial users.  NewsBin will displaya nag screen until the configuration is saved and NewsBin is restarted.


Weare working on a new website, with aspects tied tighter to our registered userdatabase and forum.  This will allow us to set up a "Members"area where sneak preview releases will be made available along with some othersurprises.  All the more reason to register!  Expect to see some majorchanges before the middle of May (this year).


New news service in the works...

4/26/03 11:45 AM EST


Afriend of ours is looking into starting a new usenet news service.  He hasa ton of capital to build it up right from the beginning but he is looking forinput from die hard usenet users.  He is offering a month of free serviceto the first 7500 people who fill out thesurvey.  He plans to start it up in the middle of May.  There isno obligation, just an opportunity to have input into the start of a newservice.


Don'tforget to download the new 4.1 release if you haven't already.  Supportrequests have been light so it looks like we've got a solid release. Details about the release and download link are here.


Version 4.1 Release!

4/24/03 11:45 AM EST


Wehave just released the final Version 4.1 Build 4268!  There are a number ofknown issues but the general consensus is that there are no critical bugs andeveryone is anxious to see Version 5.0 start to take shape.  The versionavailable for download comes with a complete installer, and it is safe toinstall over older versions.  Performing an uninstall of previous versionsfirst is not recommended unless you don't want to save your old configuration. Details about the release and download link are here.


Version 4.1 Status...

4/22/03 11:15 PM EST


We'retesting the final version 4.1 internally now.  It isn't perfect but we wantto focus on 5.0 because of increased requests for multi-language support and toallow us to create a cross-platform version that will run on linux and Mac OS/X. There are some annoying bugs in 4.1 but they are documented and they haveworkarounds.  We don't believe there are any show-stoppers so expect 4.1 tobe released this week.


Usenet Search Service...

4/17/03 11:30 PM EST


We'vebeen trying out a new service that helps find stuff on usenet.  It iscalled News Flash and you just feed it some keywords and it sends you dailyemail messages giving you a list of matching posts and the newsgroups they werefound in.  I'm keeping up with pictures coming up from Spring Break thisway.  The service is $5.95/month which is a bargain compared to the amountof time you'll spend searching for this stuff yourself.  Check out whatthey have to offer here.


Version 4.1B14 Release

4/15/03 1:00 AM EST


Wehave fixed the problem running on Win98 and ME machines.  We've also fixeda problem introduced when we switched back to human readable chunk files - postswith subjects containing non-US characters and/or special characters (like anapostrophe) were failing to download.  Read about the new release anddownload it here.


Version 4.1B13 Release Update

4/12/03 9:50 AM EST


AttentionWindows 98/ME Users!  Version 4.1B13 will not work for you!  We don'thave any 98/ME machines to test on anymore and didn't realize our latest changeseffected you.  We are working on a solution.  First we have to buildan old 98 machine though.


Foreveryone else,  read about the new release anddownload it here.


Version 4.1B13 Release

4/12/03 12:30 AM EST


Wehave just released version 4.1B13.  This version fixes a problem with theDownload to Folder option and ushers in the return of human readable chunkfiles.  If you don't know what a chunk file is, don't worry about it. We have also added links to the forum and our new TechnicalSupport Request Form under the Help menu.  Read all about it anddownload the new release here.



4/10/03 6:45 PM EST


Lookslike we will have a B13 for you guys to try soon.  It fixes a problem withthe download to folder option.  Also we added links to the forum and to atech support request form under the help menu.


Canyou help us settle a dispute out of our forum?  We want to find out howmany people, running dual CPU systems, run their CPU's at different speeds. For example 1.6GHz and 1.8GHz.  Please don't stack the deck, there is anoption for you non-dual guys if you are curious to see the results.  Thepoll question is here. If you are curious as to how (or why) someone would run different CPU speeds,you can read the thread in our forum here.


Version 4.1B12 Tip...

4/2/03 9:00 AM EST


Thelater beta versionshave a "Download to Folder" feature where you can specify the folderwhere you want a file to be saved.  This feature remembers the last folderselected on 2K and XP but does not under 98/ME because of operating systemdifferences.  By default, all files go into the "DOWNLOAD" folderwhere NewsBin is installed and are placed in a folder named after the newsgroupwhere the post was found.


Touse this feature, right-click on a post in the "Post List" and select"Download to Folder...".  Then navigate to the folder you want inthe resulting "Save As" window.  There is a slight quirk in thatyou have to specify a bogus filename, say "save", for NewsBin torecognize this folder.  This is because NewsBin doesn't know the realfilename until it starts downloading the file.  Once the file download iscomplete, NewsBin will use the actual filename.  You can select a block ofposts and use this feature to download a bunch of files to the same location. By default, all files go into the "DOWNLOAD" folder where NewsBin isinstalled and are placed in a folder named after the newsgroup where the postwas found.


Ifyou haven't already tried version B12, you can read about the changes anddownload it here. Please try our forums if you have aproblem or want advice.  Many topic have already been discussed so a searchof the forum will usually give you whatever answer you seek.  As always,you are welcome to send email to tech_support@newsbin.comfor any technical issues.


4.1 Beta 12 Release

4/1/03 1:30 AM EST


Wewere trying really hard NOT to have a release on April 1.  For all youparanoid people out there, we are not playing any April Fools jokes.  Thisis a final release candidate for 4.1.  It has some cleanup stuff and wefixed an esoteric bug with TCP window sizes.  Registered users will gothrough an automatic key upgrade process.  Be sure to restart NewsBin whenthis completes or you will see the nag screen.  Read more about thisrelease and download it here.


Ifyou are in search of technical support, our forumsoffer a wealth of information and many friendly NewsBin users to help you out. The author of NewsBin actively participates as well.  This is available toall users, registered or not.  Stop byand see what the NewsBin Community is up to.


4.1 Beta 11 Release

3/13/03 2:00 PM EST


Ok,ok, we put the "Server" column back in the Downloaded Files list foryou.  We also show the currently used server in the progress bar whilefiles are downloading.  Read more about this release and download it here.


Time for new polls...

3/10/03 11:00 PM EST


Ithas been awhile since we've issued new polls.  While we are working on thenext beta, check out our polls and let us know what you think about a couple ofnew features that have crept in to the 4.1beta (if you have been brave enough to try).  Cast your vote here.


New Forum is up!

3/4/03 12:00 PM EST


Ok,the new and improved forum is up.  All current posts were maintained. Current usernames and passwords still apply.  If you notice any problems,let us know at The link to the new forum is Enjoy!


New Forum Software Coming

3/4/03 9:00 AM EST


Wehave decided to switch to different forum software which is more scalable, moreflexible, and has more features such as built in polling support and the everpopular avatar support.  We are working on a conversion program to convertall existing forum posts, usernames, and passwords so we don't lose anything inthe transition.  The forum will be down for about an hour when we do thistransition.  The test transition worked well last night so we plan to havethe new forum up and running sometime today.  I will set new links on thewebsite to get to the new forum when it is available along with installing aredirect at the location of the current forum.


4.1 Beta 10 Release

3/2/03 4:00 PM EST


NewsBin4.1 B10 has just been released.  As stable as B9 is, we still found plentyof stuff needed before the final 4.1 release.  This version has a few muchrequested changes as well as bug fixes, including a bug that became apparent dueto a recent batch of bad posts.  Please read the releasenotes for more info and to download.


4.1 Beta 9 Release

2/14/03 10:30 PM EST


NewsBin4.1 B9 has just been released.  It fixes a crash that occurs if you doubleclick a group in the Add Groups screen.  This is a 4.1 final releasecandidate.  Read the releasenotes for more info and for the download.


4.1 Beta 8 Release

2/9/03 10:00 PM EST


NewsBin4.1 B8 has just been released.  It fixes a hang problem that occurs whenloading stored headers for some groups.  We have also re-worked Groupfunctionality so groups download faster.  Read the releasenotes for more info and for the download.


New 4.1 Beta Release

2/5/03 1 2:30 AM EST


Wehave just released version 4.1B7.  This version fixes problems running withUsenetserver and possibly some other news services.   This is a musthave for Usenetserver users unless they are running 4.06.  If you have beenseeing headers but bodies don't download, this should fix the problem. Read the release notesfor more info and for the download.


New Beta Release

2/1/03 2:30 AM EST


Wehave just released version 4.1B6.  This version fixes a problem when usedagainst claranews along with some other minor problems.   Read the releasenotes for more info and for the download.


All Systems Go!

1/30/03 10:00 AM EST


Everythingis back up and running.  We tried to do maintenance while everyone wasasleep but, bad things happen sometimes.  The website, forum, and ordersystem are on a new server now.  If you find any missing links or strangeerrors, please email


Weapologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused.


Server Maintenance (oops)

1/30/03 3:30 AM EST


Ormail server is currently down.  The web server is limping along.  Weshould recover by noon EST.


Sorryfor any inconvenience.


Usenetserver Update...

1/27/2003 11:30 AM EST


Ijust spoke to the CTO at Usenetserver to get a first hand status of theirnetwork.  He acknowledged that they had software problems that were causinggroups to disappear and they are 80% done with the software updates on theirservers to fix this problem.  The servers that have not been updated yethave been removed from the load balancer.  Text and picture groups shouldbe ok now but it will take the rest of the week for the multimedia groups tofully recover.  They have on going plans to continue to beef up theirnetwork including installing an additional load balancer.  Hopefully thisis the light at the end of the tunnel for UNS and we can get back to enjoyingall-you-can-eat at their historically high speeds.


New Poll...

1/26/2003 12:30 PM EST


Manyof you are so proud of your download counters, I'm giving you an opportunity toshare.  Someone just reported theirs is at 965GB.  Anyone go over a terabyteyet?  Check the poll out here.


Someof you are reporting problems with Newsfeeds today.  We understand they arein the process of re-naming their servers so you may get some weirdresponses.   It should work itself out soon.


Version 5 feature requests...

1/25/2003 7:50 PM EST


Iappreciate everyone's enthusiasm making suggestions but please please pleaseread the feature listfirst.  I'd say 80% of the email I received today were requests forfeatures that are already on the list.


Stillworking on the problem with Claranews, should have a new release this weekend.


Oh, you want to SEE the list???

1/25/2003 1:25 AM EST


Ican't believe I forgot to give you guys a link to the Version5 feature list!  Well now you have it.  Please send comments aboutthe list to


Also,we have verified a problem with B5 and Claranews.  We have been in contactwith them and are working on a solution.  Should have a new release outtomorrow.  Until then, if you use Claranews, you'll have to stick with4.1B4 or earlier.


Get your new B5 here...

1/24/2003 8:20 AM EST


Wehave been informed that the 4.1B5 Build 4046 version also had problems with the@Home Dutch ISP news server.  If you can download headers but articleswon't download, update to the new 4.1B5 Build 4047 available here.


Wehave compiled a list of features for the upcoming Version 5.0 release of NewsBin. It is still several months away for the first beta test.  If you think amuch needed feature is missing from the list, you can email us at Version5@newsbin.comand we'll consider the request.  You can also post a feature request in theforum.


New 4.1B5, Build 4047

1/23/2003 10:20 AM EST


We've\released a minor update to 4.1B5.  Only newsfeeds users (and users ofnewsfeeds resellers) need to download this.  Read the releasenotes for more info and for the download link.


4.1B5 Problem with Newsfeeds

1/23/2003 9:20 AM EST


Build4046 has problems with newsfeeds servers, and any news service that resellsnewsfeeds.  We're working on a fix right now and recommend that you revertback to B4 for now.  The zip file for 4.1B4 is still on the site here. Unzip the files and copy over the existing nbpro.exe and all your settings willbe retained.


Version 4.1B5 Release

1/22/2003 11:00 PM EST


Wehave just released version 4.1B5.  It has been re-worked pretty heavily tohelp with multipart posts that have been damaged by someone posting bogus parts. We are trying to work with usenetserver to make NewsBin work more reliably withsome changes they made to their servers.  NewsBin seems to work fine willall the other news services.  Read the releasenotes for more info and for the download link.


Working on it...

1/20/2003 4:30 PM EST


Weare working on 4.1B5.  We have made fairly significant changes to try toimprove the reliability using multiple servers and we continue to fine tune thehandling of attacked posts.  In the mean time, we've cleaned up the pollingarea, have reset the news service poll to see if anything has changed, and haveadded a new poll.  Please go and cast your votes here. Version 4.1B5 will be released within a day or two.


Yet Another New Release

1/14/2003 3:00 PM EST


Wehave just released version 4.1B4.  Fixed a memory problem and an issue withthe Read Post Body feature.  We also added logic to highlight posts thatmay have been attacked with bogus parts.   Read more about it and downloadhere.


Another New Release

1/9/2003 11:30 PM EST


Wehave just released version 4.1B3.  Fixed problem manually deleting parts tomultipart posts.  Useful when trying to recover a sabotaged post if NewsBinwasn't able to figure it out automatically.   Read more about it and downloadhere.


New Release

1/6/2003 4:30 PM EST


Wehave just released version 4.1B2.  This version has much more logic forcombating the attacks on the newsgroups.  Read more about it and downloadhere.


Happy New Year...

1/1/2003 11:00 PM EST


Thisyear, we plan to put out a new version of NewsBin, version 5.0, as well as alinux version and a couple of helper applications.  Thank you forsupporting us on our quest to quit our day jobs! 


Wenow have a newsgroup, on usenet. Several news servers are now carrying it.  If yours doesn't and you want toparticipate, all you have to do is request it through your news service.


HappyNew Year from DJI!


Best news reader available! J.B., Loganville, GA - July 17, 2017