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Newsbin Pro Usenet Newsgroups Robot

Newsbin is software for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems that downloads files from Usenet Newsgroups. It will run on Windows XP and newer, both 32 bit and 64 bit. An account with a Usenet News Server is required to use Newsbin. If you do not have access to a news server, please visit our Newsbin Recommended News Services list.


  • Internet Search : Search over 2300 days worth of Usenet via the Internet (optional service). Posts matching the search criteria are displayed and can be selected for download. Free searches are included with a Free Trial Key. A subscription for unlimited searches is $5.00 per month (3 month minimum). Standard subscription is a little as $2.50 per month (6 month or 1 year subscription). More info
  • Local Search: You can search all your locally stored headers by keyword or using Regular Expressions if you choose not to use our comprehensive search database via Internet Search.


  • Advanced Spam Filtering: Configure Newsbin to block password protected RAR files or RAR files containing .exe files (which usually turn out to be viruses or trojans).
  • Proxy Support: Newsbin supports SOCKS 4, SOCKS 5, and HTTPS Proxies. Configurable by news server entry so different server configurations can go through different proxies if you want.
  • Built In Scheduler: Schedule times for Newsbin to pause or invoke the speed limiter.
  • Compressed Header Support: If your news server supports XFeatures header compression, you can download headers at up to 10 times faster. All our recommended news servers support this mode.
  • NZB File Support: Newsbin will download file represented in NZB files. It can be configured to automatically load NZB files from a specified folder, load an NZB from a menu option, or simply click and drag an NZB onto Newsbin to download the files listed in the NZB file. More info.
  • SSL Encryption: If your news server supports it, Newsbin can be set so all information passed between your computer and the news server is encrypted.
  • Built in RAR/PAR and Split File Processing: Use the AutoPAR feature to combine RAR and Master Splitter files and extract the contents. Damaged or missing files are automatically repaired or replaced as long as enough PAR files were posted.
  • Security Features: Password protect Newsbin so it requires a password to start and optionally require a password for selected configuration options.
  • Multiple Server Support: Configure multiple news servers for simultaneous use. This allows you to download from a free server supplied by your ISP and use a pay server to fill in whatever is missing.
  • Automatic Download Mode: Automatically download files while you sleep.
  • Advanced Download Management: A temporary "Wish List" is available to park posts for downloading later.
  • Automatic Header Updates: Newsbin has a mode where it will periodically download headers from all your selected newsgroups. This way you always have the most recent headers available for browsing.
  • Usenet Decoding Methods: Newsbin can decode yEnc, uuEncoded, and Mime encoded files which are posted to Usenet newsgroups.
  • Bandwidth Management: Limit Newsbin to only use a certain amount of bandwidth. Coupled with the Scheduler feature, you can take advantage of off-peak times for downloading.

User Interface

  • Newsgroup Organization: You can configure Newsbin to act on an individual newsgroup or a custom grouping of newsgroups.
  • On-the-fly Download Prioritization: Newsbin can get the important stuff first because you can adjust the download queue in real time.
  • MP3 Organizer: You can use MP3 ID3V2 tags to organize download folders by albums and artist.
  • Image Database and Viewer: Newsbin includes an option to enable a database to store and search images. There is also a built-in image viewer.
  • Posting Capabilities: Post requests, short text messages, and files to the newsgroups.
  • Security Features: Password protect Newsbin so it requires a password to start and optionally require a password for selected configuration options.
  • Interface Customization: Move sections around and apply different color schemes to identify post status.


  • Multiple Core support: Newsbin makes full use of multi-core CPUs, multiple processor systems, or CPUs with Hyperthreading enabled.
  • IPv6 Support: As news servers become available on IPv6, Newsbin is ready for it.
  • 64 Bit Version: A version of Newsbin built for 64 bit machines running a 64 bit Windows operating system is maintained. Download here
  • Optimal Resource Management: After many iterations of optimizations, Newsbin now uses significantly less RAM than previous versions. You can now load large newsgroups with 10 million headers in about 150MB of RAM.
Hey, it works! What more can I say! R.T., Victoria, Austrailia - July 14, 2017