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Newsbin Policies

Privacy Policy

We do not sell or otherwise share our customers' personal information with any third party. This information is only used for order confirmation, credit card authorization, and key delivery via email ONLY. Your phone number would only be used if your email address fails.

Refund Policy

NewsBin has a 10 day free trial with full functionality. You are buying a key to a product you have already used and have determined to fit your needs. Therefore, we do not offer refunds after purchase. We will do everything possible to fix any bugs or resolve other issues that you encounter after your 10 day trial if it is keeping you from using NewsBin to your continued satisfaction. Help is always available through our Technical Support Form

Lost Keys

Lost Keys can be recovered by logging in to the NewsBin Control Panel. If you no longer use the email address specified when you purchased your key, you will need to update your email address by providing your name, approximate purchase date, and original email address here.

Stolen or Abused Key

If the Shareware License Agreement is violated by using your key on more than 3 machines, or your key is stolen and abused by others, you must buy a new key. If you can prove that all key usages were made by you, exceptions can be made and your key can be reset. Request key reset by sending email to DJI Sales and include a list of known machines (by OS), known IP addresses, and estimate number of uses. Keys will be reset on a case by case basis.

Payment Disputes

Your credit card bill or PayPal account will show a charge from DJI Interprises, LLC or 'NEWSBIN PRODUCTS' for the registration fee or for an Internet Search subscription purchase or renewal. If any charge is disputed, your license to use Newsbin is revoked immediately and a notification is sent to the email address used to purchase the key. If the dispute is in error, the key will be re-enabled after the dispute is dropped and the funds are returned to our account. You may be assessed an additional $25.00 USD dispute processing fee.

Shareware License Agreement

Shareware License Agreement Legal agreement for using NewsBin Professional.

Legal Questions

If you have questions or need clarifcations on our policies, send mail to DJI Sales.

It's a pleasure to deal with one of the very few companies that still believe in customer service. M.R., Toronto, Canada - July 21, 2017