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Message of the Day (MOTD) Archives


Good News/Bad News

12/24/2001 4:00 AM EST


Thegood news is that many people are reporting that B19 works great!  The badnews is B19 is unstable under WinXP.  We have re-created crashes on ourWinXP test system and are trying to find a solution.


Itis Christmas Eve now, our NewsBin Gift Order Page is still available and can deliver a Gift Key to your friends and family within minutes!


HappyHolidays from the NewsBin Staff


Version 4.0 Beta 19 Build 2919 Release

12/22/2001 7:00 PM EST


Wehave just released version 4.0 Beta 19.  Yes, we are being brave herereleasing not only an odd numbered release but also an odd numbered buildnumber!  (Inside joke that odd number releases have been bad lately). This fixes crash problems under Windows XP and has a new bandwidth limiteroption.  Read more about it and download the release here.


Forthose of you who celebrate Christmas and need a last-minute holiday gift,consider purchasing a key to NewsBin for afriend.  You can even submit a personal message to be included with yourfriend's key.  Our gift order page is at .



Holiday Gift Service

12/15/2001 2:00 PM EST


Sendyour Usenet-literate friends the Gift of NewsBin this year!  We'vedeveloped an order form that allows you to purchase a key as a gift for afriend.  You can even submit a personal message to be included with yourfriend's key.  Go to our gift order page at to order a Gift Key to NewsBin!


Weare currently testing 4.0 Beta 19 and will try to have a good "oddnumbered" release for a change.  This release will include the muchrequested "Bandwidth Limiter" feature because NewsBin is just toofast for some of you guys.  Look for the release by the end of theweekend.



Version 4.0 Beta 18 Build 2884 Release

12/11/2001 1:30 AM EST


Thisrelease has been confirmed to fix the problem where NewBin crashes on startupfor some people.  We've had observations that our even numbered releases dobetter than our odd numbered releases so we hope that B18 will be good andstable for everyone.  Yes, that is the scientific approach to betareleases.  I think we will skip B19.  Just kidding.


Wefixed a couple of other things as well and you can read about the it anddownload the release here.



Not again...

12/10/2001 9:05 AM EST


Wehave received reports that B17 crashes on startup for some people.  We arecurrently trying to isolate this as it doesn't happen to us (go figure). If B17 doesn't work for you, you can safely go back to B16 by copying theexecutable back into your NewsBin directory.  We have left the B16 downloadlink activehere. We'll keep youposted about when B18 will be out.


Also,we have received news that Usenetserver has decreased their maximum simultaneousconnections from 8 to 5.  We still think 3 is enough for most people tomake use of their full bandwidth.


Thanksfor your patience through our lengthy beta process.



Version 4.0 Beta 17 Release

12/10/2001 12:05 AM EST


Wehave just released Version 4.0 Beta 17 that fixes the annoying "Translation aborted..." message when upgrading from a 3.x version.  When thishappened, any configuration changes you make would not be saved.  We'vealso made some changes with the memory management (again) to try to get NewsBinto exit faster after running for long periods of time.  You can read more details and download the new Betahere.


@Home Info...

12/06/2001 12:30 PM EST


Toadd to the woes of our @Home users, we have been informed that @Home has placeddownload limits for their news servers.  If you exceed 3GB in any 3 dayperiod, you get blocked for the remainder of the 3 day window.  Read fulltext from @Home here.


Version 4.0 Beta 16 Release

12/04/2001 2:00 AM EST


Ok,this one works on W95 and WinNT.  Sorry about that.  We also fixed aproblem where the spool files would grow really large if you processed multiplegroups simultaneously.  You can read more details and download the new Betahere.


Hey,we added a new feature.  You can now search through all headers previouslydownloaded with our new Find button.  It is the new button to the right ofthe "Clear" button on the toolbar.  When you hover over it, itsays "Search the spool files for posts".


If you find any problems, please email us at Have fun.


Ooops!  4.0 Beta 15 NT Bug...

12/03/2001 9:45 AM EST


We'respoiled using Win2K and forgot to go back and test under NT.   We areusing a system call that does not exist on NT so NewsBin B15 will not work on NTmachines.  We are working on B16 right now and hope to have something outtonight.


Shouldwe make our Beta Disclaimer bigger?


Version 4.0 Beta 15 Release

12/01/2001 11:45 PM EST


Wehave just released Version 4.0 Beta 15.  We are making progress fixing bugson the buglist and have improved the memory management.  Also, you can actuallyregister this version!  This is a free upgrade for 3.x users even thoughthis is not a final release yet.  For details about this release and todownload, please read the releasenotes.


Issues with Version 4.0 Beta 14 Release

11/22/2001 9:19 PM EST


Therehave been several issues reported with B14.  We recommend running B14 onlyif you miss Automatic Mode not working correctly in B13.  Among the largerissues with B14 is the fact that you can't register it, it will crash. Please read the release notes including knownissues before downloading B14.



Version 4.0 Beta 14 Release

11/21/2001 10:15 AM EST


Wehave just released Version 4.0 Beta 14.  This fixes the automatic modeprocessing problem  introduced in B13 and includes a few other fixes and enhancements. Read about it hereand then download it here. Please report problems either in our forumor via email to



Version 4.0 Beta 13 Release

11/07/2001 1:10 AM EST


Wehave just released Version 4.0 Beta 13.  This fixes the filename filterproblem introduced in B12 and includes many other fixes and enhancements. Read about it hereand then download it here. Please report problems either in our forumor via email to



Version 3.32 DLL Patch

11/06/2001 10:00 AM EST


REMINDER: If you downloaded 3.32 prior to November 1, you need to download a DLLpatch.  Severalusers have reported that the thumbnail rendering stops working for no apparentreason.  We have identified a problem and have released a patched DLL thatneeds to replace your current jpgrender.dll file in the directory where NewsBinis installed.  You can download it here. This problem only exists for 3.32.



Not Yet...

11/06/2001 1:10 AM EST


Weare still shaking out some bugs in B13 and are not ready to release ityet.  B12 definitely has some problems so we don't recommend that youdownload it if you haven't already.  There are issues with duplicatedetection and filtering along with sporadic crashes when some lesser usedfeatures are invoked.  If you are new to NewsBin, stick with 3.32, it isvery stable.  If you are one of the brave souls trying out our 4.0 beta,hang in there, B13 should be out in a day or two.


Version 4.0 Beta 12 Bug

11/02/2001 11:50 PM EST


We'vehad several reports that the filename filters do not work in Beta 12.  Weare working on this problem now and will have a new release this weekend.



Version 4.0 Beta 12 Release

10/31/2001 11:50 PM EST


Wehave just released a new Beta for Version 4.0.  There have been a number ofbug fixes but we haven't had time to update the list yet.  Take our wordfor it that B12 is better than B11 for now, we'll give you details in a coupleof days.  You can download the latest beta from our downloadpage.



Version 3.32 DLL Patch

10/30/2001 1:30 AM EST


Severalusers have reported that the thumbnail rendering stops working for no apparentreason.  We have identified a problem and have released a patched DLL thatneeds to replace your current jpgrender.dll file in the directory where NewsBinis installed.  You can download it here. This problem only exists for 3.32.  We plan to have the next beta of 4.0out in a couple of days.



@Home Servers Update...

10/28/2001 11:30 PM EST


PNPman has updated his list of @Home servers.  Check it out here.


Wewill be releasing the next 4.0 beta by the end of the month.


TheNumber 1 tech support question for 4.0 has been that 4.0 does not seem to besaving settings.  In 95% of the cases, this was due to an upgrade problemfrom 3.x to 4.0.  Version 4.0's configuration file now ends with .nbiinstead of .ini.  To make sure the automatic configuration file conversionoccurs correctly,  move the old .ini file into the 4.0directory, start NewsBin, load the ini file, hit save and restart.  The .nbifile should now be used from now on.




@Home Servers Update...

10/20/2001 12:30 PM EST


PNPman has updated his list of @Home servers.  Check it out here. Remember, his server lists can be pasted directly into your 3.x INI file but youwill have to manually enter them if you are running the 4.0 beta.



NewsBin 4.0 Beta Release

10/08/2001 10:30 PM EST


Wehave just released NewsBin 4.0 Beta 11.  It has many bug fixes and featureenhancements.  Check out the list and download the beta hereif you are interested in joining in the fun.



@Home Servers Update...

10/08/2001 7:20 PM EST


One of our users, PNPman, has updated his list of @Home servers.  Check it out here.


Lookfor the next 4.0 beta release (B11) later tonight (EST).



NewsBin 3.32 Release

9/30/2001 10:50 PM EST


NewsBin3.32 Final Release with full installer is now available.  If you havealready upgraded to 3.32 from the zip file, there is no need to download this,it contains exactly the same executable.  If you have been waiting toupgrade from 3.31, or are still running any 3.32 Beta release, comeand get it!


Asalways, contact us if you have anyproblems.


NewsBin 3.32 Pre-release

9/29/2001 12:50 AM EST


Wehave version 3.32 ready to go.  We have not created the installshield version yet but the final release in a zip file is available here. If you have been running 3.31 or 3.32B10, please upgrade to this version and letus know if there are any show-stoppers that would keep this from being thefinal 3.32 release so we can focus on version 4.0.  10:00AM Update: Forgotto mention that, although we cannot re-create it, some people find that theirnews server usernames and passwords become corrupt when upgrading from 3.31 to3.32.  If you cannot connect to your server after upgrading, re-enter yourusername and password for your news server(s) and it should work.  If youstill have problems, please email us at


Wehave also posted an update to the @HomeServers List.


New 4.0 Beta Release!

9/22/2001 1:30 AM EST


Wehave just release version 4.0B10!  We are honing in on a stable Version4.0.  This version will leave your 3.x ini file alone so corruption shouldbe avoided this time.  Please read our 4.0Release Notes to see what's new before downloadingand trying this beta out.  Thank you for your many suggestions and bugreports.  Please keep 'em coming to



Resource for @Home Users...

9/18/2001 12:30 AM EST


Oneof our users has volunteered to maintain a list of @home servers includingadvice on how to set NewsBin up to make the best use of these servers.  Hisstuff is hosted on our site here.  We arewilling to host other content specific to helping NewsBin users and will createa new page for the NewsBin Community if there is enough demand.  If youwish to contribute, send mail to webmaster@newsbin.comwith your ideas.  If we agree it would be of use to our users, we will hostyour content on our site.



Solution for OS Crashes

9/18/2001 12:30 AM EST


We recommend checking the website of your motherboard manufacturer for BIOS upgrades if you are experiencing crash problems when running NewsBin hard on ahigh speed connection.  We've had reports that the ASUS KT133 motherboardwith the VIA Chipset may crash under high loads.  This is independent ofthe OS.  We have a confirmation that upgrading to the latest version ofBIOS fixes this problem.  Non-ASUS KT133 motherboards may also benefit froma BIOS upgrade.  In addition to the BIOS upgrade,  make sure you havethe latest VIA 4in1 IDE drivers.  



New Release, 3.32B10!

9/17/2001 1:00 AM EST


Manyof you have reported that the DLL patch did not fix the problem where NewsBinexits during jpg downloads.  We have re-created the problem and now have a new fix.  Therewas areport that the Poster Lockout info is not saved between runs and this has alsobeen fixed.  Get3.32B10 here.  We appreciate your bug reports andyour patience.


Feelfree to contact us at tech_support@newsbin.comif you have any questions or problems.



Patch for NewsBin 3.32B9 and 4.0B8

9/15/2001 2:40 PM EST


Apatch has been released to fix a problem with NewsBin exiting during some jpgdownloads.  Read about the patch and download it herefor 3.32B9 or here for 4.0B8. This dll works for both 3.32B9 and 4.0B8.  If you just downloaded andinstalled 3.32B9 or 4.0B8, this patch is already included in the zip file.


Feelfree to contact us at tech_support@newsbin.comif you have any questions or problems.



Yet Another Fix, NewsBin 3.32B9

9/12/2001 11:30 AM EST


Thisreleases fixes a bug introduced into B7 which disabled the ability to downloadall files into a single directory.  This is the only fix in thisrelease.  You can get it from our downloadpage.


Feelfree to contact us at tech_support@newsbin.comif you have any questions or problems.



NewsBin 3.x User Advisory

9/11/2001 11:00 PM EST


TheNewsBin 3.x series, prior to version 3.32B8, has a key function that has beeninoperable since 9/9/01.  This is due to our own Y2K-like problem when theUnix time rolled over to 1 billion.  The symptom is that NewsBin will showold headers in the post list, even if you delete them from the post list,whenever you re-download headers.  We strongly recommend that you download Version3.3B8 as a patch.


Feelfree to contact us at tech_support@newsbin.comif you have any questions or problems.



NewsBin 3.32 Beta 8 Fix

9/11/2001 2:45 PM EST


Wemade a modification to 3.32 Beta 8 to minimize the impact on the configurationfile if you run version 4.0 and then go back to 3.32.  If your version isacting funny, download this release.  


Pleasedo not confuse 3.32 Beta 8 with 4.0 Beta 8.  Unfortunately, they are at thesame Beta revision right now.


Ifyou find any problems with either 3.32B8 or 4.0B8, please contact us at



NewsBin 4.0 Beta Advice...

9/11/2001 10:30 AM EST


Ifyou are daring enough to try the beta 4.0, please keep it totally separate from3.3x.  If you run 4.0 and then go back to 3.3x, your configuration willbecome corrupted.


Dueto the catastrophes in New York and close to us in Washington DC, we may not bevery responsive to technical support today.


Ifyou find any problems with either 3.32B7 or 4.0B8, please contact us at



Post ID Cache Fixed!

9/11/2001 2:30AM EST


Wehave just released Version 3.32 Beta 7 to fix the Post ID Cache problem. This problem will cause you to see headers you had already downloaded in thepast.  Details of the release are here.


Wehave also just released the long awaited NewsBin Version 4.0!  Read allabout it starting with the download page. This is a very early beta release and we ask that only brave souls use it fornow after reading the release notes and buglist.


Ifyou find any problems with either 3.32B7 or 4.0B8, please contact us at



Post ID Cache Broken!

9/10/2001 11:30PM EST


Foryou unix geeks out there, unix time (4 byte number indicating number of secondssince Jan 1, 1970) just went past the 1 billion mark  Unfortunately, thePost ID cache was artificially limited to handle numbers up to 1 billion and itis now broken!  We are working to put out a 3.32B7 as soon as possible.


Coincidentallywe are planning to release the first public beta of version 4.0 within the next24 hours.



Tips for using "Force Download"

8/28/2001 11:50PM EST


Wehave been receiving more and more tech support issues pertaining to NewsBindownloading incomplete files.  Most of these turned out to be due to theuse of the "Force Download" (Ctrl-Y) option.  The Force Downloadoption is intended to be used as a last resort if a post was marked as failedfor some reason and you want to force another try.  Force Download bypassesall filters and even ignores whether a multipart post is complete or not so youshould be sure this is what you want to do.  In normal operation, youshould use "Add to Download List" (Ctrl-A).


Version4.0 is moving along slowly.  We are up to our 4th internal beta release andexpect at least one more before we're ready for a public beta.  Sorry,doesn't look like we'll hit our end of August target, we'll keep you posted asto a new projected release date.


Version 4.0 Status

8/14/2001 11:50PM EST


Manyof you have asked what's going on with Version 4.0.  The status is that westarted an initial beta test with a few brave NewsBin users this week.  Thebug list is 37 items long and it just plain doesn't work with Win 95/98/MEyet.  We'll keep at it and will make a public beta release when our privatetesters are comfortable using it every day instead of having to go back to thetried and true 3.3 series while we fix bugs.  We are still hoping for theend of August but we've got alot of work to do.



Regular Expression Tip

8/4/2001 10:50AM EST


Wereceived a question today about filtering Master Splitter files (ending withmpg.001, mpg.002, etc).  If you are running 3.32B6, it supports fullregular expression parsing for the subject and file filters.  To filter inor out Master Splitter files, use mpg\.[0-9][0-9][0-9] in "SubjectFilters" under the "Spam Filters" option. You can also type thisexpression into the "Find In Subject" field over the post list to getthe same effect.  What this expression says is "match the characters mpgfollowed by a dot and three digits".



New Beta Release - 3.32B6

7/24/2001 7:20PM EST


Fixedcrash that occurs when your filter files get too big.  We also replaced thememory manager with one that actually releases memory when it is done withit.  This should speed up exiting after running long jobs.


Youcan download the latest beta here. The beta of 4.0 is still on track for initial release in early August.



New Beta Release - 3.32B5

7/16/2001 1:30PM EST


Fixedcrash that occurs when you exit NewsBin when in Automatic Download mode and theheaders are still downloading at the same time binaries are beingdownloaded.  The regular expression functionality for subject and filenamefilters seem to be working well now.


Youcan download the latest beta here. This is the final release candidate for 3.32 unless we hear anyobjections.  If there are not critical bugs reported by the end of theweek, we will push to get a beta of 4.0 out by the beginning of August.


New Beta Release - 3.32B4

7/12/2001 12:45AM EST


Thisrelease fixes an incorrect conversion from DOS style filters to full RegularExpressions in the Subject and Filename filters under the "SPAMFilters" menu option.  Taking suggestions from several users, we'vealso modified the filter logic to first filter on any "Accept"criteria and then apply "Reject" criteria instead of having the"Accept" criteria override the "Reject" criteria.


Youcan download the latest beta here. If everything looks ok and we turn this into a final 3.32 release, we will beginbeta testing of the much awaited and long overdue version 4.0.


Possible Filter Problem in Beta

7/04/2001 8:45AM EST


Wehave had several reports that filename and subject filters (under the SPAMFilters button) are not working.  We are having a difficult timere-creating these problems.  If you are also experiencing problems with thefilters, please whittle your filters down to the specific case that is failing,and send us your filter files.  The filter filenames are listed under the"Options" button in the "Advanced" tab.  If you couldalso please give us the group you were processing and the results you wereexpecting, that would be helpful.


Ifyou are a heavy filter user, we recommend that you not download 3.32B3 but wewelcome your help if you can help us troubleshoot it.  Thanks.


New Beta Release

7/01/2001 7:30PM EST


Wehave just released version 3.32B3 which has the fix for deleting groups, and Regular Expressions hooked into the subject and file filters. You can download it here. We were experimenting with a new memory manager but it kept crashing underW98.  So this version has the same old memory manager but is still solid asa rock.


Uh, ok, this one is a bug...

6/26/2001 11:22AM EST


Version3.32B2 has a problem when deleting groups from your groups list.  If youdelete 1, then 2 get deleted, if you mark 2 for deletion, 4 get deleted. We thought that teaching our users the powers of 2 would be beneficial (justkidding).  We are currently testing 3.32B3 which has this fix, a new memorymanager, and Regular Expressions hooked into the subject and file filters. We hope to have it out by the end of the week.


It's not a bug...

6/22/2001 11:10AM EST


Wekeep getting helpful messages from our users reporting a "bug" in the"Downloaded Files" list.  When the count of downloaded files hits4000, the counter does not increment over 4000 but goes back down to 3600. This is not a bug, it is a feature!  ;-)  To save RAM, we put an upperlimit of 4000 entries that we save in the download list.  Users arewitnessing the purge function when it hits 4000.  The files downloaded arestill on your hard drive, you just can't get to them from the "DownloadedFiles" list anymore.  We may change this in 4.0.


Asa reminder, many of these issues have been discussed on our Forum. It is open to all NewsBin users: registered, unregistered, and even thosebastards using cracks.


Fix for UsenetServer Customers

6/14/2001 11:55PM EST


Wehave just released version 3.32B2 which now works again with UsenetServer. There was also a minor bug fix.  Read the ReleaseHistory and download the latest beta here.


UsenetServer Meltdown

6/14/2001 8:30PM EST


Asmany of our UsenetServer users know, UsenetServer had a meltdown last week andthey are still recovering.  Users have reported that NewsBin's performancehas been severely impacted by the state of the servers for some reason.  Wefound that a specific NNTP command NewsBin uses is performing very poorly onUsenetServers machines now.  We are experimenting with a new version (itwill be 3.32B2) that will get our UsenetServer users going again.  Look forit to be out later tonight.


Bug Fix to the Bug Fix to  3.31

6/14/2001 1:30AM EST


Wegoofed.  The 3.32B1 release we made earlier today was untested on W9xmachines and, of course, didn't work.  There is now a new DLL in the zipfile that works on both W9x and NT/2000..  Readabout it and download version 3.32B1 here. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Bug Fix to 3.31

6/13/2001 3:30PM EST


Wehave just released a beta copy of 3.32 to fix two reported bugs.  Readabout it and download version 3.32B1 here. The bugs are not show-stoppers as only 2 people reported them but, we felt itwarranted a new release.


Oh no, not again!

6/11/2001 11:10PM EST


OurISP's backup router bit the dust today.  We were effected between 6:30PMand 10:30PM EST.  If you had problems accessing the forum, our website, orregistering, this is why.  Everything seems to be back up now.  Sorryfor any inconvenience.


3.31 Bug Report

6/10/2001 11:00PM EST


Ifyou add a new server immediately after performing a sort on your groups list,some groups get duplicated in the groups window and NewsBin will hang if you tryto save the configuration.  We're looking into this problem right now.


Network Outage

6/6/2001 11:00AM EST

Wouldn't ya know it?  Just 6 hours after we put out the newrelease, our ISP's router blew up.  If you had problems seeing the MOTD,getting to our site, or registering, that was the problem.  Sorry for theinconvenience.

New Release!

6/5/2001 11:55PM EST

Version 3.31 has just beenreleased!  This will be the last release in the 3.x line.  Version 4.0is very close to the beta testing phase.  There is no reason to hold offuntil 4.0 to register because itwill be a free upgrade!  Read about the release and download it here.

Attention Newsfeeds Users

5/24/2001 10:35PM EST

Newsfeeds is now preventing you from downloading from more then one server ata time.   This is their new policy.  If you have enabled two ormore of their servers in NewsBin, you will see authentication error messages. You can either complain to Newsfeeds (several of our users already have) or youcan switch providers.  Our favorite is still usenetservereven though we don't get any paid referrals from them.

New Beta Release

5/18/2001 3:45PM EST

NewsBin 3.31B9 has just been released.  This includes minor bug fixes,most importantly it fixes a problem when re-ordering news servers.  In B8,a re-order wouldn't take effect until NewsBin was restarted.  To downloadB9 and for more info on the changes, clickhere.

Also, we have opened a DiscussionBoard for NewsBin.  Come and help us fill it up with usefulinformation.  It is open to all NewsBin users, registered or unregistered.

What's New?

5/15/2001 11:40PM EST

We've totally revamped our website andwe are in the process of adding more features for our users.  We've hadmany requests to set up a forum to allow users to see responses to other'ssupport questions.  We are testing a forum manager right now.  Also,we've been working to finalize 3.31 but have also been working on the NEWNewsBin Version 4.0!  It has extensive multi-server support including perserver configuration settings.  The best news is that this will be a FREEUPGRADE to all our registered users.  We decided to this after learning howmany people are using cracks.  It may be as high as 90% now.  It madeus appreciate our registered users even more and we just couldn't bare to stickyou for more money for our upgrades.  If you know anyone using a crack,please remind them about the two guys sitting in a basement writing code hopingto quit their day jobs (yeah, that's us).  $35 now buys a lifetime ofNewsBin upgrades.

Registration Problem Solved

5/8/2001 11:40PM EST


Wefinally figured out why some people are unable to register their copy of NewsBinonce they purchase a key.  If you ever receive a failure contacting theregistration site when attempting to register NewsBin, check your systemdate.  We've found that 90% of the time, the system date was off by a monthor a year which really messes things up.  The other 10% were from peoplewho are many hops away from our registration server and they receive atimeout.  If this happens to you, send email to tech_support@newsbin.comand we can register you manually.


Asa side note, it looks like a 3.31B9 is in the picture.  We found that whenyou re-order your server list (if you use multiple servers), the new order isnot followed even though it is displayed correctly.  The workaround is torestart NewsBin after changing the server order.  B9 will fix this problemand it is in testing right now.


Beta Release - 3.31B8

4/18/2001 10:30PM EST


Asmall bug crept in to B7 which is fixed now in B8.  The server list wasgetting resorted alphabetically whenever you start NewsBin.  Sorry aboutthat - so much for regression testing.  Also, we found a bug where thespool files may get corrupted.  This was fixed as well.  Pleasedownload 3.31B8 here.


Beta Release - 3.31B7

4/17/2001 10:15AM EST


Wehave just released version 3.3B7 as a final 3.31 release candidate.  Thisrelease addresses problems some users have reported with NewsBin work filesbeing created in unexpected places and also subject and filename filters notbeing saved correctly.  For more information and to download the beta, clickhere.


Oncewe release the final 3.31, we will begin beta testing a new version thatincorporates many more features that many of you have been requesting.  Weappreciate all your input which helps NewsBin continue to evolve and becomebetter and better with every release.  Bug reports, feature requests, andany comments are always welcome at



3/1/2001 11:50PM EST


Wehave finally recovered from our ISP problems (for now) so lets get back to somehelpful messages.


We'rehard at work at version 3.4 and have incorporated many suggestions we havereceived from our users.  We hope to begin beta testing next month.


Thetip for today is about .rar files.  We receive many support questionsasking about the .r00, .r01... files and what to do with them.  The .rarformat is the output of an archival system that splits up large files into manysmaller, compressed files.  A shareware program called WinRARis used to re-combine all the parts once you download them.  To learn moreabout how to use NewsBin to find all the parts of a .rar file, read this NewsBinHOWTO.


Ifyou have a favorite trick or tip that you would like us to post on this MOTD,please send email to With your permission, we'll include your name (or initials) giving you creditfor the tip.


DNS Problems

2/21/2001 11:30PM EST


Sorryif you haven't seen the MOTD in a few days.  Our comfortable little ISP whowe've been with since the beginning got bought out by a bigger ISP and now thequality of service is degrading.  We are in the process of switching to anew ISP so please bear with us.


Help File Available

2/18/2001 9:30PM EST


Dueto popular request, especially from our international users, we have made theonline help available for download.  The help fileis still a work in progress and is about 80% complete.  We're open tosuggestions on the content and format.  Of course, our online technicalsupport is always available if the help file does not answer your questions.



2/15/2001 12:00PM EST


Wegoofed!  The fix for the DirectPC users broke authentication for regularnews servers.  If you use a news server through your ISP, you won't seethis problem.  If you use a pay news server requiring a username andpassword, please download version 3.31B3which will fix this problem.


Minor Version Release

2/13/2001 11:45PM EST


NewsBinPro Version 3.31B2 has just been made available.  It contains minor bugfixes but will be most useful to DirectPC users.  This version has afix to work with the latest release of DirectPC News software.  Read moreabout the release here.


Also,we have released a utility that resets the bars in NewsBin in case they getmessed up.  For example, if you click and drag your thumbnail bar off thescreen and can't get it back, thisutility will reset everything for you.


NewsBinis under constant development and we are getting close to releasing a betaversion of 3.4.  Probably in March.  We'll try to keep the beta testperiod to less than one year this time (unlike 3.3!).



1/25/2001 10:30PM EST


Wehave received reports that Airnews limits your total connections per hour to45.  If you have NewsBin's signature cache (used for duplicate filedetection) and any filename filters enabled, NewsBin will drop a connection andre-connect whenever a duplicate is found or a filename filter matches.  Thisactivity has also been known to put Linksys router boxes into "FloodProtection" mode and shut down your traffic. Tolimit your number of disconnects and reconnects, you should disable yoursignature cache (under the Utilities menu or ALT+T to toggle the setting) andremove any filename filters you have set (under "Spam Filters").



1/5/2001 7:20PM EST


We'rereceiving more and more technical support messages that end up being news serverproblems.  If you see any of the following messages in the Status Messagestab then your news server or the connection to the news server is at fault:


The NEWSBIN search server is still my go-to place to find something I really want. It is worth every penny. D.C., Toledo, OH - July 6, 2017